I shared a happy association with Alex & Emyr for a number of years. Initially, I think Emyr was taken aback when I told him that I planned and conducted knitting tours, however he quickly showed enthusiasm in supporting our interests. Those in the group when Ffion was a special guest, won’t forget how privileged they felt to meet her and to see her designs for Liberty.
Although I’d been reserving our group accommodation for years, Emyr was the master in arranging sympathetic rates for us—much better than I could negotiate. He and Alex also appreciated the type of accommodation which the groups would enjoy, and they were never wrong.
Their assignment of Richard Noble, of Red Lion Inn in Penderyn, as our driver, made my job much easier. Of all the tours I had over 20 years in many countries, he was the best driver.
I’ll miss not working with Emyr again.
Trips for Knitters and Friends
11th March 2021
Gan fod gan Em wir ddiddordeb ym mhobl, eu hanesion a'u diddordebau medrai bontio cenhedlaethau a chenhedloedd. Medrai wrando gyda'r gorau, ond roedd dawn y cyfarwydd ynddo yn gryf, y storiwr chwedlonol o hanes Cymru, y 'raconteur' cyfoes. Meddai ar gyfoeth o straeon, gwybodaeth ddofn ac eang o bynciau amrywiol a'r awydd - ac y gallu - godi hwyl ym mhle bynnag yr oedd. A hynny trwy gan a diod cymdeithasol, y personoliaeth garismataidd yna sydd troi pennau pobl, yn gwneud argraff. Mae'r tripiau i'r Hunter Valley, lawr y Great Ocean Road neu dren dros nos i Sydney wedi serio yn fy nghof am byth. Pwy arall fydde gwneud siwr fod gwydraid o siampen yn ei law wrth i ni sefyll ger y 'gegin' ar 747 wrth ddweud 'co fe, mynydd Ararat.' Diolch am dy gwmni Em.
As it's a Friday, it's fitting that I have a drink next to my elbow as I look through the photos of Em's various trips and adventures. Such a life force that shone so brightly, with the ability to raise the spirits of others, whatever the situation, that deep genuine interest in others, and quiet pride in his family as he talked about Alex, Ben, Dylan and Ffion. The years between meetings might be long, but each time we met it felt like seconds. It was not only the fun and many laughs that made Em such great company, but that all to rare feeling of being in the company of a good friend whose enthusiasm for life bridged generations and nationalities. Diolch / Cheers Em.
5th February 2021
‘An Appreciation’
In life, we meet lots of people, some positive, some negative.
On occasion, someone very special joins us on that journey. Emyr Griffith was one of those unique people we were all lucky enough to run into while passing through.
A gifted Welsh man, and a great internationalist, whose philosophy of life brought many people of different backgrounds together.
He brought colour, wit and wisdom along with a humanity that enchanted everyone who crossed his path.
Through his life’s work he achieved so much for Wales and gave a voice to many of his hospitality colleagues through the ‘Welsh Rarebits’, led by a very rare Welsh Bit indeed!
On a larger stage he was instrumental in bringing Hoteliers from over twenty two European countries together. Helping people to recognise how much they had in common and encouraging cross marketing to everyones’ advantage.
A past President of the Historic Hotels of Europe who was as comfortable dining with ‘The Quality’ in a great European castle or leading the sing song in a pub in Aberystwyth with poets, storytellers, rakes and rascals! A Prince amongst men.
Always first to strike up a song and include even the most shy and reluctant observer. When we think of Emyr we can only smile and thank him for the help he gave us and the happy memories.
To Alex and his family we thank you for sharing him with us. The world is a much better place because of him.
‘Lechyd da’
We will miss you.
From all your friends in the Historic Hotels of Europe.
Historic Hotels of Europe
4th February 2021